With over 4 million people jostling for living space in the tiny island state of Singapore, it is a real surprise to find world class spacious bike paths right here. The government is seriously serious about improving the quality of "play" in this highly stressed republic and it shows in its beautiful bike paths development program. The ones along Singapore's #1 playground, the East Coast Parkway, a 30km coastal ride from Fort Rd to Changi Village is a *must ride for all cycling enthusiasts.
I have been here numerous times and organized a breakfast ride today. Keong, a newbie to the world of foldies, came along for the ride and enjoyed himself immensely. He rode on my trusty British Brompton, then tried Seng Chor's Dahon's "Corolla" D7 and Paul's stylish Curve. I took my sexy Speed Pro. Guru Chris rode his KHS Capuccino while Roadwalker joined us too on his bump-eating Birdy Monocoque. A real melange of foldies indeed!
It rained until we arrived, and then brilliant weather. Cloudy skies, fresh cool sea breezes and coastal paths with sparse weekday traffic. This was the perfect cycling morning given for us to enjoy and we did. Great company ending with a marvellous breakfast at Changi Food Centre. Thanks everyone, and esp Chris for the nice pics as always... We WILL do this again.
.Note: *On the weekends, hordes of human traffic - joggers, skaters, cyclists descend upon this park like locusts so avoid it then if you can. You have been warned.