Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Why haven't I got a folding bike?
This week's cycling venue is the beautiful Swan Valley and in making meeting arrangements with my buddy Uncle Ken (who has a MTB) on the email, this is what he wrote...
Hi Alvin,
Now I know why you love the fold so much. I am not able to board a train from Mandurah until 09:02 hrs. Then the latest I could leave Perth is 15 :48. Alternatively I need to get some K's up on my Hyundai Terracan so I could drive to your place and ride to Bull Creek with you.. If this is o.k. let me know what time to arrive and your address. The earliest I can board a train to the City at Bull Creek is 09:10. The latest I can board a train from the City to alight at Bull Creek is 16:15. Oh why haven't I got a folding bike?
Transperth states that full size bikes can only board after 9am and before 4pm but foldies, no such restrictions. Enough said :)
Lynette Chiang of Bike Friday here talks about her experience of using a folding bike as her personal transport. Definitely worth a listen. Be warned though, as you may be asking the same question as Uncle Ken after watching this...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
In the morning...

There is something magical about early morning rides. Today was exceptional as the weather was absolutely perfect. It was a cool 14c and it smelled fresh after a light drizzle. It was still dark when I met Ken at 0645 for our usual Wed ride to Point Walter.
It was great to see his young son Scott as well at Canning Bridge. He rides a Specialized carbon roadie and is an ardent MTBiker as well. Seeing him all decked up in matching lycra, I remarked, "You are going to get bored riding with us mate..." but he replied he was here for the company. Great attitude from a guy who averages 38kmh, and maxes 72kmh! Scott has my respect.
The mysterious thing about cycling here is though the route may be the same, the weather always changes and today, everything seems all too beautiful. The soft orange hue of the sun peeking slowly through the clouds, lighting the darkness gently was divine. It was also nice to see the world gradually wake up. I'll let the pics speak for itself...
This old song by Bee Gees seems very appropriate for the morning.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Lunching Japanese with foldies

Taka Japanese Cuisine
Shafto Lane 347-417 Murray St Perth 6000
(08) 9324 1234, 11-9pm, Mon to Sat
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Resurrecting a dead Brompton

It took 3 months to slowly undertake the restoration and the resurrected Brompton is finally ridable. Save for a chain that keeps falling off during the fold (soon to be rectified), it is able to hold the honour of being a Brompton once again.

ps: I asked him why bother with this and not just get a new one. He replied anybody can plonk money for a new bike but he is not anybody. I think my buddy is the Saviour for sick and dying foldies but unlike the real Saviour who took 3 days to rise from the dead, he took 3 months and a whole lot of perseverance and determination. An early Easter project, you might say!
They killed him by hanging him on a tree, but God raised him from the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen. Acts 10:39,40
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Erranding in the city

A quick unfolding of the Speed Pro and I was on my way through the city of Perth. Cities mean traffic, cars stuck behind each other and this being mid-day, it was "chockers". But being on a bike, I imagined myself as a courier and weaved through too freely. I'm not sure if this was allowed but heh, I sure ain't waiting behind a car and getting all poisoned with awful carbon monoxide gases.

And of course, I visited the new Wheel of Perth ala London Eye, Singapore Flyer et al. It seems like you cannot be considered a world class city unless you have this Ferris Wheel thingey these days.

I rode along the Swan River and passed King's Park and was soon heading south on the bike path hugging the river. The directions are abundantly clear with helpful distances given. But one sign that really got my goat was the yellow "Caution Cyclist" everywhere - for the benefit of pedestrains. Yes, beware of us, we are the Big Bad Wolf waiting to eat you up, you who constantly us slow down! Are we cyclists that inconsiderate I wonder?