Have you ever began a ride with threatening dark clouds and the prospect of getting well and truly drenched in 10c freezing weather? This was what happened to us on our regular Mandurah ride this week.
Somehow, Rod comforted shivering me when we got out of Mandurah Train Station at 0650 with the words, "Have faith! It will be a great day." As I mounted on my Speed Pro under the cover of billowing pregnant rain clouds, I wasn't so sure and donned my rain coat. The only thing I could hang on to was Rod's reputation as a former Bicycle Postie, and that meant he knew what he was talking about - weather wise at least.

As it turned out, the 55km ride went pretty well. The sun was struggling to punch out of the dark clouds, and it eventually won. Its rays were simply glorious, painting the dark sky with hues of orange light. Not riding for 2 weeks, my fitness took a dive and I found it difficult to keep up with my two 60+ yo super fit friends, much to my utter discouragement and dismay. An exhausting lesson on the importance of keeping up one's fitness.
This is what I googled from sportsmedicine.com :
You start losing fitness (or deconditioning) in about two weeks if you stop exercise altogether. Once lost, it takes nearly three times as long to recondition as it took to "detrain."
Just as we ended the invigorating ride, a rainbow in its full splendor suddenly appeared. Such a fitting conclusion that got my heart singing a song, to the One from whom all good things come from.

When the rainbow appears in the cloud, I'll see it and remember the eternal covenant between God and everything living, every last living creature on Earth. Genesis 9:16
Just starting to think about folders now. What type though. I just want to fly into a town for a few days, look around and fly back out. I'm sure it would be better than putting the bike in a box all the time.
I love the place you are at. Where in Singapore, I can only make do with the little scenery that bestows enjoyment and serenity upon us.
Hi soc10,
Just want to say that once you tried folders, you will ask yourself why didn't you get one earlier? I bring one along for all my travels. Its a ticket to freedom and exploration...
Hi Parker,
Though Spore is pretty limited, the secret in great cycling destination lies in the Riau islands. Particularly Kundur. I have a post abt that in Jan 08.
Just an hour or so away by ferry.
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