Here during the monsoon season, planning for a ride can be a touch and go affair. It poured kittens last night and our morning ride today was uncertain as the roads were still wet. It was no wonder that Chris and I, on our Bike Friday Tikits, were the only ones at our usual start point at East Coast Parkway at 0815, enroute to Changi Village.

This was the first time that my Tikit had the privilege of riding with another Tikit and we took the opportunity to shoot some pics. The morning lighting was perfect and we had lots of fun with the lens when a passe of foldies came cruising by.

From a distance, Chris spotted them and exclaimed, "Hi-end foldies approaching...." and that got me excited. Lo and behold, they were none other than Rich and his wife Jenny, on a Dahon Helios and a Giant Halfway respectively. Just a little while later, Keong showed up on his Dahon Vitesse.

We enjoyed a hearty breakfast at Changi Food Centre and I tucked into my fav Nasi Lemak washed down with fresh lemon juice. There, we met up with roadies Jimmy and Peter as well who seemed undetered by the weather, which did not looked promising earlier on.
It was really great to ride with the usual ECP guys once again after a long break and this unexpected reunion of sorts was truly an enjoyable bonus. Seems like we were all determined to ride despite the possibility of heavy rain, and that speaks volume about this bunch's attitude to all weather riding!
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