Monday, October 24, 2011

A Sunday ride with Love Cycling Singapore Group

Pic fm Francis Chu

I had the privilege to squeeze in one more ride before I left for Perth with the LCSG. This is a group started by my friends TW and Francis with the objective of doing easy Sunday morning rides to discover Singapore, enjoy gliding on whatever wheels be it folding, mountain, racing, commuters etc augmented with good food, friendships and great photo opportunities.

Its very alive on Facebook where views and opinions are freely shared, the older birds helping the younger ones in the world of cycling and it was so touching to know that even a marriage proposal was made a few weeks ago. Every 10pm Facebook discussions come alive!

The group has grown to over 600 strong in membership in just over a year and this excellent video done by Matt Chia , a most gifted lensman, captures the essence and spirit of this wonderful easy going bike group. May I invite you to join them if you are in Spore. Barrels of fun!

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