I had a lunch appointment today at the other side of the island with my good friends Seng Chor, Richard and Jenny. They were going to introduce me to some fantastically healthy Tofu and veggie meal. The mark of strong friendship in my books is the willingness to share secret food places.
It was a 60km round trip drive for me and at S$2.04 per litre for gas, it was going to cost me over $10 excluding parking. Good thing I had my "Save the World" evergreen Bike Friday Tikit on standby. Cycling to the train station and hopping on the ever efficient aircon MRT train, the fare costs me only $3 return and I saved enough to buy lunch for 3 folks.
What's more, I could use the travelling time getting in touch with so many people including one in Taiwan on my mobile, traffic free.
There are indeed free lunches in life, provided you have the right tikit!
It was a 60km round trip drive for me and at S$2.04 per litre for gas, it was going to cost me over $10 excluding parking. Good thing I had my "Save the World" evergreen Bike Friday Tikit on standby. Cycling to the train station and hopping on the ever efficient aircon MRT train, the fare costs me only $3 return and I saved enough to buy lunch for 3 folks.
What's more, I could use the travelling time getting in touch with so many people including one in Taiwan on my mobile, traffic free.
There are indeed free lunches in life, provided you have the right tikit!
Hi OnF, a short distance trip to print shop for press check with my foldie, about 10km, I could have at least 2 glass of free coffee at Kopi Thiam... bus fare is about $2...
Something really free in life.
Welcome to Lovethefold Choong, its an honor to have you here. Yes, keep riding and we have free kopis and free lunches.
Looking forward to riding with you soon :)
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