I've just finished packing my two Bike Fridays (Expedition and Tikit) into their respective bags, ready to fly for my last trip for 2009 tomorrow. My buddy in grime is Dr Mike Khor and our destination is the beautiful island of Langkawi, situated north west corner of W. Malaysia. Langkawi hosts the world famous Tour de Langkawi race each year so it speaks a lot about the quality of cycling. It helps too to have pristine beaches.
We have 4 days there before flying off to the Pearl of the Orient, Penang for 2 days. Highlights we can look forward are food, food and more food so I guess we better be putting in the time on the saddle prior to landing in Penang.
Stay tune on LTF for updates on the Tour de Fridays.

Update 26 Dec 09 1000am - Our Fridays in soft bags managed to check in without any hassles at the Air Asia counter. They weighed a total of 33kg and travelling with foldies saved us $60 per flight. I figured they would very much pay for themselves after 20 trips! Is this the way to go or what? I love foldies!
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